
DECEMBER 5, 2017

Episode 4 – Building a Community

Michael Hsu from Hsu Office of Architecture and Ryan Steglich from Steglich Consulting

This week, Matt McDonnell sat down with Michael Hsu, Principal at Hsu Office of Architecture, and Ryan Steglich, Principal of Steglich Consulting, to share their excitement about Springdale General and The Center for Social Innovation.

The Center for Social Innovation grew out of a need to sustain and grow the arts, small business and nonprofit communities in East Austin. Similar to how the Canopy development has helped keep Austin artists from being pushed out of their creative community, the Center for Social Innovation will bring individuals back into the heart of the city through affordable office and event space, as well as community and programming. When you embark on a project of this magnitude it is critical that you develop a team who shares the vision, but can also add their expertise to the mix.

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