Notley/Monitor Austin Issues Poll: Summer 2022

This week, Austin Monitor released a poll representing over 500 Austin residents and their take on the most important issues facing our city. The findings were commissioned by Notley and conducted by national pollster Change Research.

The five-part Notley/Monitor poll focused primarily on growth, affordability, governance, public safety, and local news quality. Overall data analysis and poll methodology is available for review, and poll results can be found below.

  1. Most Austinites think the city is headed in the wrong direction
  2. Lack of affordability tops list of Austin’s most pressing issues
  3. Austinites are eager to vote and disenchanted with local government
  4. Austinites stand divided on police spending, public safety
  5. Austinites value local news but disagree on quality

This poll was conducted in a unique way; focused on the issues, rather than the politics, with a mandate to release fresh, non-partisan data on a quarterly basis to keep Austinites informed.

"Austin is one of the most dynamic cities in the country and community members and leaders are looking for a deeper understanding into our shared issues and challenges," said Joel Gross, CEO at Austin Monitor. "The Notley/Monitor poll is an issue-focused, community resource that will help people from across the city discover, understand, and become more aware of the key issues and areas that are shaping our community. We’re proud of this initiative and look forward to continuing to examine and breakdown key data points and trends that are affecting our community."

Providing objective information in a disjointed, loud arena is a difficult task. But a misinformed electorate is the nail-in-the-coffin for democracy. And, at Notley, we stand by Austin Monitor and their mission to strengthen our shared information space and democracy with you.

"To make smart policy decisions, Austin elected officials, civic servants, and citizens need a shared understanding of Austinite priorities and expectations," said Tom Visco, VP Government & Community Affairs at Notley. "The Notley/Monitor poll is just one way that the Austin Monitor provides tremendous value to all members of our local community. Despite the decline of local news across the country, Austin Monitor continues to be a bastion of transparency and education in Travis County, and Notley is deeply invested in keeping it that way."

We want people to be aware, to ask questions and to be inspired to act. The future of our beloved city depends on it. And we look forward to embracing the band of changemakers making a difference shining a light on the intersection between the local government and its community.

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