Fellow Feature: Harold Hughes

The interview series will share more about our Notley Fellows, who are rising entrepreneurs and business leaders in the Austin community passionate about helping to solve pressing issues in the social impact sector.

This week we are featuring Harold Hughes, Founder & CEO of Bandwagon Fan Club Inc., and member of the Fellows 2020 class.

Tell us about your purpose or "why" behind choosing to get involved in the social impact space.

I am incredibly privileged and I acknowledge that I have opportunities that many people do not - and unfortunately, will not. My goal is to leverage my privilege to help increase the number of opportunities that people as well as make sure that the people getting these opportunities are people that look like me and other underestimated groups in this country.

What Notley initiatives and/or programs have you participated in through this fellowship?

I'm supporting Philanthropitch to help non-profits access capital that they normally wouldn't have access to while putting them on a stage to bring them more resources and eyeballs. A lot of great organizations are doing the work that needs to be done in this community and I'm participating to help amplify their work and shine a light on the causes that they are supporting.

What has been the most beneficial part of the Fellowship experience for you?

The best part of the Fellowship has by-far been my ability to connect with my classmates. Randomly finding myself in Zoom calls with Annie, Minh, Brandon, or Roman (to name a few) has been fun because I believe that we have started to build real relationships despite the virtual challenges that COVID-19 is presenting.

What's one thing that is giving you life right now?

Definitely cooking. I LOVE to cook for others and during this pandemic, I haven't been able to have people over like I normally would. That said, I have been able to get creative, dropping off plates for friends (or the homeless) or having people swing by for a socially distanced pick up.

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

I see myself somewhere on the East coast with my family. From a professional standpoint, I expect to have invested in my first 30 companies by then and contributing to the College of Business at my alma mater. On the philanthropic and civic front, I hope to be more actively involved with Rebuild Upstate (or a similar organization) to help repair the homes of our neighbors.


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