Fellow Feature: Connor Harlander

The interview series will share more about our Notley Fellows, who are rising entrepreneurs and business leaders in the Austin community passionate about helping to solve pressing issues in the social impact sector.

This week we are featuring Connor Harlander, Senior Product Operations Manager @ Juniper Square and member of the Fellows 2020 Class.

Tell us about your purpose or "why" behind choosing to get involved in the social impact space.

Being relatively new to the Austin community, it was especially important for me to be able to connect and integrate with my community and give something to the city and its people. Social impact provides a way to have an immediate influence on the pressing issues facing our community.

What Notley initiatives and/or programs have you participated in through this fellowship?

I'm an active member of Notley Tide, a Notley initiative committed to building a more racially just future. I've also begun working with Notley partner Lawton Cummings on HomeFront, to address critical needs in Austin across homelessness, food insecurity, and unequal access to economic opportunity.

What has been the most beneficial part of the Fellowship experience for you?

The community of Notley Fellows, and the community of people in the Austin area that I've been introduced to through this program. I cannot overstate how amazing it is to be able to bring a group of talented, passionate, caring people together, to commit to making change and impact with them, and being buoyed by their excellence and empathy. This program is creating a wave of real effort in the community.

What's one thing that is giving you life right now?

Virtually covering some favorite songs on guitar and vocals with a buddy of mine, and the hope of having an ice-cold Lone Star or two at a live show at The Historic Scoot Inn sometime in the next 3 years.

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

Professionally, I'd like to be leading product and strategy work at a startup, with some international experience under my belt. I will continue advocating for and supporting local politicians that are radically supportive of racial and socioeconomic justice, and hope to sit on the board of a local non-profit that focuses on fighting voter disenfranchisement.


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