Fellow Feature: Brian Hatterick

The interview series will share more about our Notley Fellows, who are rising entrepreneurs and business leaders in the Austin community passionate about helping to solve pressing issues in the social impact sector.

This week we are featuring Brian Hatterick, Director of Strategic Partnerships at RF Code Inc., and member of the Fellows 2020 class.

Tell us about your purpose or "why" behind choosing to get involved in the social impact space.

Howard Thurman is known for stating the following about passion, "Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” I am so grateful for the opportunities and resources which have been made available to me throughout my life. I also see they are not equally distributed nor can every cause be solved. My purpose behind becoming involved in the social impact space is to learn how I can deploy my knowledge, education, and skills to the causes I believe in which can directly impact our local Austin community.

What Notley initiatives and/or programs have you participated in through this fellowship?

I am currently supporting Notley Tide committed to building a more racially just future. I am also been engaged in the process identifying SBM service companies to purchase with the potential ability to work more closely with Josh Rickel.

What has been the most beneficial part of the Fellowship experience for you?

I gained much more insight into communities and local causes through our monthly/semi-monthly fellow speaker sessions. The great thing about Notley, it is a vehicle which provides many potential avenues for impact, the downside, eventually you must widdle down and pick a favorite!

What's one thing that is giving you life right now?

After nearly 4 months on back order, my wife and I finally received our Peloton! We are having a lot of fun challenging each other to be consistent with our exercise, mobility, and health. While we have enjoyed long walks with our dog, jogging and or walking in 100 degree heat in Texas isn't that much fun... we're excited to have a sweat outlet in air conditioning!

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

"If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans..." In 5 years I would like to be operating or be strategic contributor to an entrepreneurial venture, have participated within local charities at a board level, have completed a 50 mile ultra-marathon (COVID cancelled march race plans), and would love to have two of our own little ones crawling around.


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